There are many different treatments for chronic pain ranging from medication to surgery, and if you suffer from chronic pain you are probably already familiar with many of the options available such as physical and massage therapy, acupuncture and pain injections. Most people have some knowledge of physical therapy and some alternative treatments like acupuncture which are growing in popularity. But general knowledge on some of the other available pain management options such as pain injections seem to be less widespread. In this article, we’ll take a look at trigger point injections and why you may want to consider this option.

What are Trigger Point Injections and Why Should I Consider the Treatment?

A trigger point injection (TPI) is an outpatient procedure used to relieve pain caused by trigger points or knots in muscles. Trigger point injections are administered by a health care professional and involve a small needle being inserted into the trigger point or painful area. Lidocaine which is a numbing agent is commonly the injected substance and used to numb the muscle or muscle group(s) causing the pain. Sometimes an anti-inflammatory is also injected into the trigger point area.

When you have tight muscles that are bound-up in knots, they can lead to chronic pain or extreme discomfort. The trigger point injections help to reduce pain by releasing the tension caused by the muscles. Of course, the injections are not effective for every patient, but trigger point injections have proven, in many cases, to provide fast relief by helping the tight muscles to relax. Additionally, it’s a fairly quick procedure and can take as little as a few minutes to be administered.

Where Do TPI’s Fall in My Pain Management Plan?

Trigger point injections are not usually the first treatment a physician would recommend for chronic pain, most of the time, a trigger point injection would be recommended after you’ve attempted resting the affected area, prescription medication and/or a physical therapy regimen. Certainly, the type of treatment recommended for you is dependent on your individual circumstance and only your physician could give you specifics about trigger point injections and your pain management plan. For the most part, a physician may recommend other treatments before a trigger point injection.

Contact Your Physician

If you are suffering from chronic pain, or think you need trigger point injections, contact your physician immediately and discuss your options. Your doctor may suggest other treatments before trigger point injections or not recommend them at all.

Your treatment plan is designed to help you manage pain and increase quality of life; at IBJI our physicians take pride in helping our patients live happier and healthier lives. If you would like to speak to an IBJI physician about your condition find a location nearest you or call to learn about our comprehensive pain management program.

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