I ruptured my Achilles in mid January (mid-substance tear). Dr Vora repaired the rupture with sutures within a week. From my personal experience and also from his reputation, he is definitely the top foot and ankle surgeon in the Chicagoland area. His surgery skills and knowledge of procedures, options, and recovery is as high level as it gets. Furthermore, and from firsthand experience, he truly cares about his patients and their recovery. He gave me several tips of what to do throughout my recovery (6 months post-op so far), he has been available to answer my questions at any point in time, and has given me a lot of time to speak to him whether in the office during follow up visits or over the phone.

At 6 months post-op I feel very good about my activity level. Activities I'm taking part in currently include: soccer, stand-up paddle boarding and surfing, biking, swimming, tennis, some short distance running/jogging, golfing, baseball/softball (mostly catching and hitting with some light running/jogging), weight lifting/working out (including calf raises with weights), soft basketball play, and tossing the frisbee (and running after it short distances). I would absolutely recommend Dr. Vora to anyone with any foot and ankle issue no matter how complex.

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