Recently I hurt my back for the first time. Waking up the next morning, I was in great pain, and almost unable to move. This was also 3 days before my wife and I were taking a 3 week bicycle trip celebrating her recent retirement. I was eventually able to get myself to the IBJI OrthoAccess facility in Glenview. Fantastically, they got me in within minutes, gathering my information and getting an initial set of x-rays as quickly and easily as I could imagine. Once back in the examination room and after only a short wait, I met with Dr. Gary Shapiro, a spine specialist. After reviewing the x-rays, Dr. Shapiro very patiently listened to the story, asked great questions and gave answers that were both practical and easily understood. He provided me with some great rehabilitation suggestions and a prescription to help the healing. I was significantly better over the next two days - - enough that we left on our bicycle trip. Dr. Shapiro and the team at IBJI allowed my wife and I to take the trip we had planned for a long time, enjoying the time with confidence and pain free. While I am not hoping for any injuries, if that ever happens to me again, I will make a bee-line again to IBJI

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