Travis Curley, PT, DPT

Travis Curley, PT, DPT
  • Physical Therapist
Appointment Line: (847) 596-7640

Contact Information


Travis Curley, DPT, graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelor's degree in exercise science in 2021 and a doctorate of physical therapy in 2023. He is excited to be providing patient care at IBJI since his graduation. 

Travis' clinical experience lies in orthopedics, as he has experience treating a variety of diagnoses including post-surgical, sports and general orthopedic complaints, and vestibular dysfunction. Travis' special interests include vestibular and concussion rehabilitation and sports medicine. He currently holds a certification in mental health first aid. When treating patients, he prioritizes function and bases his care around the patient's goals. Travis enjoys the inter-professional environment and collaborative atmosphere of IBJI. 

When Travis isn't providing patient care, he enjoys watching sports and being outdoors. His passions lie with soccer and basketball, and enjoys playing recreationally. He has completed 2 sprint triathlons to date, and is preparing for another. 

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