PA Residency FAQ

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about IBJI’s physician assistant program.

Do I need to be a PA to apply?

Yes, you need to be a PA or a PA student, and be eligible for licensure in Illinois to apply.

Do you give preference to spring graduates?

No, we have a staggered start with some residents starting in July and some in the fall so that there is a smooth transition and continued high-quality patient care.

Who should my references be?

One needs to be your PA program director, the other should be a physician or PA who has been a clinical supervisor (preferably an orthopaedic surgeon).

Do I need to be a PA to apply?


Does this program offer a Master’s Degree?

No. It offers a certificate, just like a traditional MD residency program in orthopaedic surgery does. If it is a Master’s Degree that you are after, there are other post-professional Master’s Programs at Rosalind Franklin University that might interest you.

Why should I apply to a residency program?

Why not just take a job in orthopaedics? The residency program is very intense, and offers the participants both a wide variety and a large quantity of experiences in a short period of time. We believe that in just 12 months, we can give you the confidence and experience that it would otherwise take many years to attain. This will make you a much more attractive candidate to an employer, and hopefully, allow you to start your career with a higher level of responsibility and pay.

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